Bharatiya Janata Party leader Yogi Adityanath is the current Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. Adityanath, also the Mahant (chief priest) of the Gorakhnath Math, Gorakhpur, has been sitting at the helm of state affairs since 2017 when the saffron party stormed to power with a brute majority, dethroning then ruling Samajwadi Party. In this election, the BJP has fielded him from the Gorakhpur Sadar seat. He is running for MLA for the first time. Adityanath was sworn in as the Chief Minister of the country's most populous state on March 19 in 2017. He was then a member of Lok Sabha, representing the Gorakhpur constituency. He won from Gorakhpur constituency in every Lok Sabha election held since 1998 before being given the responsibility to lead a state where politics mostly revolved around caste and religion for decades. Under Adityanath's rule, Uttar Pradesh saw a massive infrastructure development push, a boost in economic activities and improvement in the law-and-order situation. Known for his outspoken attitude, Adityanath has been a prominent campaigner for the BJP in elections. The BJP is banking on the development works undertaken by the Adityanath government and the leader's charisma in the run-up to the high-stakes assembly polls in 2022. Adityanath in his rallies has been pitching for another term to the saffron party, highlighting that the BJP government has worked towards making UP bhrashtachar mukt, bhaya mukt, danga mukt, gaddha mukt aur andhkaar mukt (free of corruption, fear, riots, potholes and darkness) in the last five years.
Read MoreSo far 21 patients, in two shifts, have been flown by air ambulances to New Delhi for higher and specialized treatment. The death toll has risen to 35, with the death of two more persons.
As per the reports, officials will visit jhuggis across the state and check documents before drafting a final list. The process has already begun in Meerut.
Earlier, Bollywood singer Sonu Nigam had triggered a major controversy when he dubbed early morning Azaan as cacophonous and intimidation in nature.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister's office in Lucknow is being painted saffron ditching the traditional white and blue. From the terrace to curtains and towels, everything in CM Yogi Adityanath's office will be of saffron hues.
The action is in keeping with the Yogi Adityanath government maintaining it will have a zero tolerance policy towards corruption, a senior official said.
UP CM Yogi Adityanath said on Sunday that Congress has turned the land of Gods into the land of crime.
The Uttar Pradesh government on Friday notified Vrindavan and Barsana in Mathura district as pilgrim spots, where sale of eggs, non-vegetarian food and liquor would now be banned.
Yogi has effectively replied to those who were trying to create a wrong impression that the chief minister was favouring those radicals who were opposing the very existence of Taj Mahal.
Doctors in New Delhi said that Swiss nationals Clerc and Droz, who came to India on September 30, are on the way to recovery.
In a shameful display of insensibility, one of Yogi Adityanath government’s ministers paid a paltry sum of Rs 4,000 as compensation to a peasant whose farm was run over by his cavalcade.
Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav today made light of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's visit to the Taj Mahal, saying it is Lord Rama's "kamaal" (wonder).
Addressing a public rally here, the CM noted that everyday 40,000-50,000 tourists come to Agra and said that it is the government’s responsibility to ensure their safety and security.
Yogi Adityanath on Thursday swept the road outside the Taj Mahal and then went inside the Mughal era monument in a damage control exercise following the controversy over its place in Indian heritage.
PM Modi, Amit Shah and Yogi Adityanath are among 40 BJP star campaigners for the upcoming Himachal Pradesh elections.
The Uttar Pradesh chief minister lead the mega cleanliness campaign along with BJP social workers and activists around the west gate of Taj Mahal.
Mayawati today took a dig at Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath saying that he will look after the development of the state when he gets time from "puja paath" (worship) in temples.
The Taj, one of the Seven Wonders of the World and a UNESCO World Heritage site, was built by Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal.
The Samajwadi Party (SP) and the Congress, which forged an alliance in run up to the 2017 UP state polls, have decided to contest these elections separately.
UP Minister Mohsin Raza said that both Sunni and Shia Waqf boards are being charged with corruption and the government will dissolve them soon
Yogi Adityanath said that soon after the BJP formed the government "it started seriously working on making the state crime-free and corruption-free".
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